@dizzyazfcuk you soppy twat bury have got a decent mob and turn up in decent numbers you prick, you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.
@casualowl1 Yeh completley agree, and im glad to say those two are bury lads.
What a set of absolute knackers could not fight to save their lives.
fucking mugs…i would go into battle with those 2 geezers anyday..top lads
Funny as fuck. Clone island. 2 guys backing off all u scruffs. Lool. Shouting & waving 4 the rest of ur boys. Mugs.
Fair play to the 2 guys game as fuck
@dizzyazfcuk you say that, but we’ve pulled out some bloody great mobs this season.
is the guy in the whtie wearing stone island? or should i say fake stone island!
Best thing about this was the music.
All I see, is a lot of dancing and scratching.
hahaha never knew Bury had a firm, are you sure these lot aren’t students ? they fuckin fight like students, seen better fights in retirement homes, stockport used to have decent firm but who is gonna follow a club soon to be none league,I have to agree with saturdayplaytime on this, out of surrounding clubs ie:Bury/Oldham it seems only Rochdale that can put a decent firm together when it counts, although the cunts are all on the dole!
low life scumbags, lock em up throw away key. job done
the fuck is millward?
fucking queers both sets
stockport always try and play the numbers game but are quite frankly soft as fuck, rent a mob springs to mind with oldham, as for bury got some decent lads game for it, but a few gobshites on the net, to be fair to them turned over a few mobs of late but come unstuck against rochdale, cockport are wank, rochdale done them on many occasions
i think this fight was pussy MILLWARD tha bitch hahahaha but yeh i have seen way better fights then this for british hools
@polkin56 stockport hid that night in bury, waited till are lads went then come out to get stragglers and bury did the best they could, stockport are the pussies here.
Why are brits such kicking pussies? Fists are for fighting. Stand there and punch a guy in the teeth. You run around like girls trying to kiss each-other in the school yard.
pavement dancers
@paddy415 shat himself mate when 1 man started kickin off, probs gobby cunt who is all mouth
who was who…..at the start the lad in the white top just jumped up and down….waited until some1 else steamed into 2 blokes……
What The Fuck Is Wrong With Millwards Walk
I went past Edgley Park on the train the other day, it looks like a strong wind would blow half of it away. What a shit hole.
@dizzyazfcuk you soppy twat bury have got a decent mob and turn up in decent numbers you prick, you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.
@casualowl1 Yeh completley agree, and im glad to say those two are bury lads.
What a set of absolute knackers could not fight to save their lives.
fucking mugs…i would go into battle with those 2 geezers anyday..top lads
Funny as fuck. Clone island. 2 guys backing off all u scruffs. Lool. Shouting & waving 4 the rest of ur boys. Mugs.
Fair play to the 2 guys game as fuck
@dizzyazfcuk you say that, but we’ve pulled out some bloody great mobs this season.
is the guy in the whtie wearing stone island? or should i say fake stone island!
Best thing about this was the music.
All I see, is a lot of dancing and scratching.
hahaha never knew Bury had a firm, are you sure these lot aren’t students ? they fuckin fight like students, seen better fights in retirement homes, stockport used to have decent firm but who is gonna follow a club soon to be none league,I have to agree with saturdayplaytime on this, out of surrounding clubs ie:Bury/Oldham it seems only Rochdale that can put a decent firm together when it counts, although the cunts are all on the dole!
low life scumbags, lock em up throw away key. job done
the fuck is millward?
fucking queers both sets
stockport always try and play the numbers game but are quite frankly soft as fuck, rent a mob springs to mind with oldham, as for bury got some decent lads game for it, but a few gobshites on the net, to be fair to them turned over a few mobs of late but come unstuck against rochdale, cockport are wank, rochdale done them on many occasions
i think this fight was pussy MILLWARD tha bitch hahahaha but yeh i have seen way better fights then this for british hools
@polkin56 stockport hid that night in bury, waited till are lads went then come out to get stragglers and bury did the best they could, stockport are the pussies here.
Why are brits such kicking pussies? Fists are for fighting. Stand there and punch a guy in the teeth. You run around like girls trying to kiss each-other in the school yard.
pavement dancers
@paddy415 shat himself mate when 1 man started kickin off, probs gobby cunt who is all mouth
who was who…..at the start the lad in the white top just jumped up and down….waited until some1 else steamed into 2 blokes……
What The Fuck Is Wrong With Millwards Walk
I went past Edgley Park on the train the other day, it looks like a strong wind would blow half of it away. What a shit hole.